
National Co-operative Movement of Malaysia (ANGKASA)

In Collaboration with: 

Institute of Climate Change (IPI), UKM

Thrust Area : 

Climate Change Mitigation & Climate Change Adaptation 

UKM-YSD Chair for Sustainability

GREENING MALAYSIA: CSR COOPCARE 1MILLION TREES PROGRAMME is an initiative by the Malaysian apex cooperative body, namely, Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad (ANGKASA), whereby the programme is initiated as one of the ANGKASA’s commitments in integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 in its policies and strategies.


The Memorandum of Agreement for “CSR CoopCare Koperasi Prihatin Sejuta Pokok” programme was signed between ANGKASA and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in March 2021. The programme is also in collaboration with the UKM-YSD Chair for Sustainability, with programme’s main aim is to support the Greening Malaysia: 100 million trees campaign launched by the Malaysian Government. The CoopCare One Million Trees Programme is anticipated to increase tree coverage of our country, and this would help to reduce concentration of greenhouse gases, in particular carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which leads to mitigating climate change. Furthermore, the programme creates awareness on the importance of trees to the ecosystems, through community engagement with various groups on tree-planting programmes. The two-year programme with total fund of RM60,450 is led by Prof. Dr. Mohd. Nizam Mohd. Said, the Climate Change Mitigation Thrust Leader under the UKM-YSD Chair for Sustainability.


The involvement on this programme by the other thrust leaders and experts under the UKM-YSD Chair for Sustainability, indicates the importance of various expertise and knowledge to be gathered in ensuring the environment that we live in, is maintained at high good quality and healthy.  The immense supports on this programme are also received for various agencies such as by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Cooperative Development, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (KASA), the Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia, Yayasan Hijau and other stakeholders to ensure the programme runs smoothly.


Sungai Lalang Forest Reserve (Compartment 19), Semenyih was selected as ANGKASA adopted forest and pilot study of this project. This degraded forest reserve spans about 0.49 hectare and is now planted with 312 forest trees from various selected national species. The UKM team will continuously monitor the progress and growth of trees to assess the carbon sequestrated in the soil. The impact report will be submitted to the ANGKASA by 2023.

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